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News | August 28, 2023

Update On My Ramped Up Performance Schedule

If you haven’t noticed, I have ramped up my performance schedule for the past several months.  That is not by accident.  Since I am no longer the Director of Bands (Marching Band) at my university, I have time to do what I truly enjoy the most.  Performing on my trumpet is what I think I was born to do!  Even though I have been making music on the professional level for many years, I still feel the flame of excitement every time I step on the performance stage.  It’s a passion that I hope to have for the rest of my life.

Don’t get me wrong; I still do enjoy teaching.  Sharing my knowledge, expertise, and talents with young musicians is another love of mine.  It warms my heart to see my students improve and develop skills they thought they would never have.  In my teaching philosophy, I state that the success of my teaching will be determined by the success of my students. I also know that every trumpet student that I have will not achieve the level that I set for them, but I will I never give up on their success.

I would be completely honored if you came to one of my future public performances.  And, if you do come, please say hello to me.  It’s a privilege to perform music for you. 

Call Now for Bookings or Lessons!

Available for Event Bookings / Trumpet Lessons

(478) 714-1051

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